“Partnership with a mission”
Our Directors have partnered with various entities in giving back to the community. We think it’s important that we use our skills, knowledge and resources to make our communities better places to live and work. We also have the responsibilities as citizens: to our environment; to the health and safety of our customers, employees, and the general public; to engage with our stakeholders; and to the education of future generations. This means doing business in a responsible manner, one that dynamically takes into account those who affect and are affected by our activities. This is why we’re in this business; we know it makes a difference.
At Glamour, it is in our continued commitment to give back to the community, we believe that we should not only aim to be the best DMC, but to make a difference to the people and places in our surroundings. Our non-profit arm was developed on that premise. Dedicated to giving back to our local community, “Partnership with a mission” has made a significant impact by providing a link between persons in need and groups wishing to make a meaningful contribution in the Caribbean. As such, we have partnered with various entities which give us and our clients the opportunity to give back to the local community. Our goal is to assist meetings and incentives groups who want to say thank you in this manner, or who simply want to expand their generosity beyond their own communities. Some of our more popular “Partnership with a mission” programmes include:
- School Sanitation and building Projects- rebuilding a playground in rural Jamaica...
- Education and Social Outreach- Donating School supplies to a needy institution…
- Santa for any Season- refurbishing a children’s home…
Green DMC
Preserving our environment for tomorrows generations
Emphasis on recycling
Energy and water conservation
Reduction in printed material
Interactive Green Programmes - “Plant a tree’
Samples of Other CSR Programmes;
1.Housing – One/Two Bedroom Unit
Through our local partner we will arrange for a house to be donated to a needy family. Throughout Jamaica, poor families live in shacks made from scraps of metal, plastic or even cardboard, with dirt floors that turn into mud when it rains. A sturdy new home with sanitation will provide protection and sanitation for a poverty-stricken family. The land must be available for the structure to be built. The house foundation which is made of concrete must be done 2 weeks prior. Work teams will be allowed to participate in actual house construction. Further to this project, a flowers garden or vegetable garden can be added to the activities.
2.School Sanitation Project
The sanitation program is an effort by our partners for schools that are without modern sanitary facilities. Through their efforts several schools have benefited from the replacement of pit latrines with flushable toilets. This project allows for volunteers to work alongside our partners in the construction of these facilities.
3.Education and Social Outreach
(Option 1): Donate books and schools supplies and participate in a day of activities with the chosen school and its children.
(Option 2): Donate school tools such as tables, chairs, bag packs or other supplies.
(Option 3): Make a donation of a library for a school that is in need. The books can be sourced through local suppliers or international donation.
4.Playground Equipment
(Option 1): Combo Set - 2 swings, 1 glide ride, 1 double chair these items takes 4-5weeks to manufacture. Work team(s) can help with the actual installation of the equipment.
(Option 2): Individual pieces can be sought or based on need, that is, school or park environment. Items may include slides, swings, double chairs, domes, jungle gyms, monkey bars, and see saws.
5.Brail Book Donation
A Book Drive with a difference, the focus is on children and adults who are blind but need help in acquiring reading material.
6.Environmental Clean Up and Reforestation
This activity seeks to focus on reviving an endangered or forgotten beach, mangrove or river bed area. A day of fun built around garbage removal, vegetation replanting and garbage bin installation.
(Option 1): Identify an area which has been badly affected by de-forestation, identify suitable plants, which are fast growers as well as has longevity."
(Option 2): Alternately a tree planting exercise can be conducted to beautify a walking trail, park or school that is in need of this facility.
7."School/Institution Paint/re-painting
(Option 1): The activities are geared towards giving the selected organization a building face lift of either full painting or repainting of the structure (external walls)...this could either be on a block by block basis, primary meeting areas or based on the identified needs.
8.Mural Installation
(Option 1): Develop a ""motivational or achievement murial"" which is centrally located on the institution's grounds. Top achievers/persons that excel in their respective areas would have his/her name engraved on this site. The intent is to create and air for achieving and to acknowledge those who have done well.
9.Feeding Program
(Option 1): Identify a school that has lost government funding or does not get government funding to assist needy students with meals. The program could be geared at focusing on the entire school population (Basic or Prep-School), between 100 - 200 children, either all days or selected days of the week.
(Option 2): Identify students within particularly poor schools whose parents cannot afford to provide daily lunches. Lunches could be provided for 50-100 on a daily basis for a stipulated period (6 mths, 1 year etc...).....
10.Santa for Any Season(Option 1): Identify a school that has been damaged by natural disaster the project will focus on roof